So, here is what I've been thinking about a lot lately - What good is our opinion if we aren't first considering God's opinion on a matter? I have enjoyed using Facebook for several years now. It's been a fun tool for keeping connected with old friends, new friends, and family I don't see often. But, there's something about it lately that is really beginning to bug me. Opinions! I believe firmly in Freedom of Speech, and I realize I will not agree with everyone, and not everyone will agree with me, but lately I am reading more and more angry, hateful, and hurtful posts. Posts aimed at one political party, or the other. Posts aimed at people of faith for being intolerant, and wrong for having their views. I, too, have very strong feelings regarding political issues, faith-based issues, and so on. I myself have a tendency to get so fired up about something, I'm willing to let everyone know it. But lately I've been asking myself this question. What good is it doing? Does anyone really change their political views or faith views by reading posts that take a jab at those who don't agree with them? I really don't think so. When I read something aimed at my beliefs and convictions, I get more frustrated, rather than willing to hear that person out. I can't help but think that's true for how others feel, as well.
For me, as a person with Faith in God I have a responsibility to base what I believe on what the Word of God says is true. If I believe God's Word is the only source of truth for living, then what I say and do better be in line with that belief. I may have an opinion about something, but the real question is, "what is God's opinion about that thing?" If my opinion lines up with what His Word says, does that make me intolerant? Perhaps in many people's eyes it does, but not in God's eyes, which is more valuable than what people think. If I believe God's Word has a moral standard for living, does that make me judgmental? Perhaps some would say it does, but I am basing that on what God says, not on how I feel. I have messed up in my life more times than I can count. I can not walk in someone else's shoes and know exactly how they feel, but I can tell you that God offers hope for life. He does not promise a life free from pain, but He offers to walk this life with us, forgive us when we ask, and when we accept His free gift of eternal life in Heaven, He will give us that, as well.
I read this verse this morning, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." Galatians 6:7-8
God is not mocked. You can live any way you choose, but you will reap the consequence. God is not a fool, and He does not tolerate fools in His kingdom. If you want to live for yourself, feel free, but the consequence will be destruction. If you want to live for the Spirit (Christ), then you will reap the benefits of eternal life.
So, what is my conclusion? Freedom of speech, yes! Freedom for me personally, or any Christian, to offer an opinion without offering what God's Word says about it, I don't really think so. "Speak the truth in love..." Ephesians 4:15