Thursday, December 31, 2015

Year In Review...and Hallmark

The eve of the New Year is upon us, and 2016 rolls in at midnight.  What the heck...I'm still trying to remember to write 2015 on paperwork.  True story, sometimes I really have to stop and think about what year it is.  This problem comes with having children.  I have a hard enough time remembering their birth dates with years, and you want me to remember what year it is now.  Calendars are hard...

You can't turn on TV today, or for the past week, without some type of year in review special running.  It's TV law - it's the same law that declares the Hallmark channel can't have any programming from November to New Year without it having a Christmas theme, and ABC Family must stretch a 90 minute movie into three hours because of commercials.  TV law.  Santa must save Christmas, and all news channels must have a year in review, otherwise TV viewing is worthless.  So, I am throwing in my own year in review.  It's like an end of year card, only more honest.

I'm not a New Year resolution person.  I resolve to do new things, or better myself, on a weekly basis all year long. I resolve to read more....I didn't read enough this year.  I resolve to read with my kids more (for crying out loud we will read for a whole month of Book-It if it kills me) - didn't do that well this year either. No Pizza Hut coupon for this family.  I resolved to wash the windows this year - I finally knocked that off my list in early December during one of our warm weather streaks.  For Christmas, we can see outside.  You're welcome kids!  I resolved to exercise more - Yep, I walked quite a bit, but let's not discuss the well intended elliptical that's sitting in my basement.  Torture machine, that's what that is.  I resolved to be more patient with my kids - I think I resolved that in a morning, and by afternoon everyone was in a time-out, including me.  I resolved to date my husband more - um, well...we sat by each other at my work Christmas party - does that count?  We dressed nice, and I think he put his arm around me.

Here's the thing - I am always thinking through ways to improve myself, improve my family, make us healthier, happier, more others oriented, more Jesus oriented, more kind with our words, more neat and organized with our home...oh, resolving for me happens all the live-long day.  I'm a resolve-a-holic.  "Hi, I'm Kristen and I resolve to do better ever day....Hi Kristen, we love you!"  "Look at Kristen all resolving and stuff, she's so cute and well intended."

I did resolve to get healthier this year.  Not at the start of 2015, but somewhere around Easter.  One too many Reese's eggs and I knew I could live better than I was.  I am pleased to report that I have taken better control of my health.  Except this Christmas...I'll just be honest.  We've been in survival mode this month, or so it feels.  Busy schedules, parties to attend, parties to host, kids that have been sick, I've been sick, and so on.  I know some do really well under this pressure and choose healthy eating despite the temptation.  Well, good for you...really, good for you....seriously, I'm just so stinkin' happy for you.  I am still learning and fumbling my way to good health.  I have taken off almost 35lbs this past year.  I am focusing on what I have accomplished, and I am determined to keep it all in perspective.  I have a better understanding of what my body likes and doesn't.  I have learned to listen to it.  This December, though, my body is begging for January to get here so I'll stop picking at Christmas cookies.  I do resolve to continue on my quest for good health this 2016...but I'll also resolve to talk patiently to my kids more, read more, walk more, clean my house more, take time out for my husband more and for Jesus more, and all those things.  I resolve to keep perspective of all my good intentions.  Or, I at least resolve to recognize that I'm a resolve-a-holic that can't do it all.

Welcome 2016.  I resolve to sleep through the ball dropping at midnight.  I don't have the energy to ring you in properly.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Thoughts on the School Christmas Party

So, here's the thing, I have read the posts and seen the pins as to what "not" to give teacher's for Christmas.  They're tired of mugs.  Candy and cookies are coming out their ears.  Homemade crayons and drawings are sweet, but what does one do with them?  One post suggested they want wine...nice, yea, I'll just have my kid deliver you a bottle of wine to school and we'll see what happens....6:00 news, anyone?  And on the list goes.  Believe me, I get it. I appreciate my kids teachers, so I try to do something for each of them to say thank you.  I've stayed away from mugs and candy, and if you ever get a hand-made gift from my house it's because I caved under pressure and hated the project the whole time I worked on it.  I typically buy scented hand soaps since it's practical, useful, and most everyone likes them.

But, here's where I get to switch things up a bit.  I would like to write a letter to teachers about class Christmas parties.  My kids love them.  It's fun.  It's a change in routine.  It builds enthusiasm for Christmas vacation.  All those things and more.  I completely support the party.  Here's what I'm having a hard time supporting....bear with me....the gift exchange!  The kids come home with the notes saying bring a gift for a girl/boy for $5 or less.  That was such a cute fun thing when I only had one in school.  I didn't think twice about it.  Well, several years later and here I sit with three out of four in school, and some are involved in extra curricular activities and every. single. blasted. thing. requires a gift exchange. Oh, I know, it's not a big deal to some of you, and that's fine.  But, this is my space and I get to write about what's on my mind, and this is on my mind.

When my middle schooler told me this morning that her class was doing an exchange I asked if it was another $5 limit thing. She said, "well $5 is the minimum.  We can spend up to $25."  I'm sorry, what?  She also told me that this budget was set by her class, not a teacher.  Obviously kids without jobs are so great at setting budgets.  I immediately informed her that $25 would not be spent and that's the most ridiculous budget I've heard for a school exchange, and I may have rattled off a few other thoughts, as well.  She assured me she didn't expect me to spend that much, and I said you're darn right I won't be spending that much...I don't spend that much on relatives I actually like, so I certainly won't spend that much for a school gift exchange.  Then we headed to Wal-Mart and she spoke softly to me the whole way there because I was clearly one $25 comment away from slipping off the deep end.

Here's the thing - I want to appreciate the teacher's who invest in my kids.  I want them to have a fun party in class and I will gladly send in cups, or napkins, or pretzels, or all three if necessary.  But, spending $5 here and $5 there is feeling like a lot in a season of spending.  In the midst of Christmas buying I still have groceries and diapers to purchase.  We try to pay cash for gifts so we don't have bills into June from the holiday's.  We still need to put gas in the car and buy the food for Holiday baking and dinner parties at relatives and all the things that come with this time of year.  So, I'd love to offer a solution to the $5 gift:

-  Each child picks a name and has to make a card for that person with 3 things they like about them written inside.  That's's your card, the end.
-  One item from the Dollar Tree...Kids like candy or silly putty or crazy cups...what more do they need?
-  Everyone brings in a canned good and it get's donated to the local food pantry.  Thinking of others outside our walls, and make that part of your celebration on party day.

These are just a few ideas.  It's nice to consider your friends, but maybe the gift exchange doesn't need to happen?  Maybe the party and the party games and crafts to make and take home are plenty. Maybe it's fine to stop there.  I think it is.  Maybe the gift exchanges happen when they're older, have jobs, and can buy their friends gifts themselves?

I know, this won't end the class gift exchange, but perhaps it will provoke thought to consider an alternative.  Parents are maxed out with their time and least most of the people I know, are.  Let your child shop with you and choose their gift to their teacher, or they can make the card to include with their teacher's gift.  Let them consider their teacher who invests in them, and not worry about buying little Johnny a $5 gift that will break and be tossed in the corner of his toy box within a day or two.  Just a thought.

So, I'll send in pretzels for the class party and I won't buy you another mug, and you ditch the $5 gift exchange....seems like a good deal to me.  

Monday, November 16, 2015

Do This. Please.

I need to do a little straight shooting about a subject.  Some of you might wonder why I'm taking on this topic, and others will be relieved that someone finally spoke out.  Mirror spit.  Yep, I said it. Mirror spit, mirror spit, mirror spit.  It's not easy to talk about, but it needs to be addressed.  It happens.  We all do it. We brush.  We spit.  We spray the mirror.  Our kids are the worst offenders. Flossing also produces mirror spit...but please, floss.  Don't skip flossing because you might cause mirror spit.  But, for crying out loud, wipe off the mirror spit!  It's nasty.

In keeping with my "Do this, you'll feel better" series, I'm challenging you to take a good look at those mirrors.  Do they have mirror spit?  Have you gotten used to looking through the cloud of spit at your reflection?  Well, you shouldn't have.  Shame on you.  That's gross.  

It takes less than two minutes to remedy this dilemma. In the bathroom that my kids use this problem needs remedied daily.  Yes, they can clean it off themselves.  No, they do not think this is as big of a problem as I do, so they don't clean it themselves.  They think I'm lame and that I overreact to the spit.  I think they're messy and would live like pigs if I didn't intervene.  We're at an impasse.  

Here's what I do to keep up on it:  I regularly change the hand towels in the bathrooms.  When I take an old towel down I wet a corner of it and wipe down the mirror.  Then I use the dry side to dry the mirror. That's it.  It doesn't streak, and it gets that nasty spit off the mirror.  No Windex.  No sponges. No paper towels.  Just a simple wipe off when I'm changing out towels.  If Windex is more your thing, go for it.  

You might be thinking, "what's her problem? It's just a little spit, who cares. I can see why her kids think she overreacts."  First, simmer down.  Second, I promise that if you clean off your mirrors you'll feel better and understand what I'm talking about.  And if someone could convince my kids that they, too, would feel better, that'd be great...  

Friday, October 30, 2015

Do This: You'll Feel Better

I'm thinking I should be making a list of all the things I'm not getting done this week, lest you think I have it all pulled together.  Which would be total hog wash, as I am just faking "pulled togetherness" like the rest of you.  At least I'm admitting it.  So, here's what I'm not getting done this week: Bathrooms, dusting, mopping, putting laundry away, ironing, etc.  I will get to those things, well most of them. Bathrooms are necessary.  Dusting and mopping can be put off until you get to the point that you need to invite company over as a motivator to get these things done. "Honey, the house looks like we need to have company soon."  Yea, yea, don't judge me...

However, there is a project I have been working on this week that is making me feel better, so I thought I'd share.  I know that Christmas is not that far away, so I've been taking the opportunity now to sort toys, clothes, and books to donate.  I've already given several items to friends that can use them, and the rest will be donated.  I try to do this project often, but Christmas is a great motivation, since you know the offspring will be gleaning new items in less than two months.

If your kids are like mine, they have more than they need.  They don't play with half of it, and they probably won't even notice it's missing.  A phrase I say often is, "if I find it laying around, and you haven't been caring for it, then I assume you don't love it and can part with it."  Usually there's whining and pleading, and promises to take good care of it (Dave can be so difficult sometimes...kidding).  After I've said this I might return it to them and give it a little longer.  If I find it tossed in a corner somewhere again, then it's gone.  Currently I'm working through an ugly red plastic cat with my son....he swears he loves this thing.  I swear it's hideous and I keep tripping over it.  We'll see who wins.  I don't get rid of keepsakes, and things I know they love.  But seriously, sometimes you need to invade their room with a garbage bag and a donation box when they're not around, and have all the evidence gone before they get home.  That's just smart parenting, yo!

Anyway, it's time to clean out the junk.  Christmas is coming.  More junk will be acquired.  Give it to someone who might really love it.  Anyone need an ugly red plastic cat?  Stocking stuffer perhaps?

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Someone Had To Say It

Okay, I'm diving really deep today with the topic.  So hang on, and try not to get lost in the intellect of this post.
Minions.  For crying out loud, please stop!!  I can barely handle how much minion memes make me crazy.  Sure, they're cute in the movie Despicable Me, Despicable Me 2, and The Minions.  Sure, they're cute as a costume for Halloween, or a theme for your kiddos birthday party.  I get all of that, and the aforementioned things.  I actually have a child going as a minion this Halloween, so I'm not a total hater.  But, I do not get the Minions as inspirational quotes thing.  I just don't.  It's no secret that I use social media.  However, when every other post involves a meme with a minion I want to shut it all down and pray for our nation.  So, in thinking I'm not the only one to feel this way, I decided to submit a few of the not-so-awesome minion memes as evidence.  Articles A, B, C & D, your honor.     

A.  This minion says it best....actually, minions say things like Bedo, Bedo.

B.  Why?  Why would you ever think this is a good idea?  "Kids, your dad & I need to tell you something.  Nah, never mind, let the minion do it."  Yep, that seems legit. (Praying for our nation)

C.  Inspirational quotes with minions.
I never look at a minion and feel the need to put a poem next to him.  The End.

D.  Your response to this blog post.  Sorry.

Disclaimer:  No minions were harmed in the writing of this post.  If actual feelings were hurt because you love minions and want them everywhere, then I can't help you.  This post reflects my personal feelings, and may or may not reflect the feelings of others.  Perhaps there's a minion meme to best describe your feeling.  I'll pray for you.  

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Do This: You'll Feel Better

I've been brain-storming a series I can work into this blog.  What I've come up with is sort of a self-help section.  I find that there are certain things I do that make me feel better.  Usually they involve cleaning, cooking or some type of domestic chore, and so I'm going to work them into a weekly segment titled "Do This: You'll Feel Better."  Maybe, just maybe, I can inspire you to do them, too.

Here's what kind of suggestions you won't find here:
-  Take a long hot bubble bath with candles, while reading a book and listening to Michael Buble'.  
Let's be real!  I'm a mom with four kids and a husband.  Every best intention that could ever go into taking a long bubble bath is ruined by them needing just "one little thing."  Child bangs on the door, "Dad said not to bother you, but I just really need to know where my green sock is, because I want to wear it in three weeks and I can only find one, and not the other, and if I don't find it tonight we have to go to the mall and find green socks, because I'll just die if I can't have them on the day I want them.  Dad never knows where my stuff is.  Mom.  Are you in there, mom?  I heard a splash.  MOM? Dad, I think mom is drowning!  I'm going to get the key and unlock the door."
Bath Over...I'll revisit this idea in 18 years!  (side note:  My husband is not incompetent.  My children are.  End of story.)  

-  Book an appointment at a salon and have your hair & nails done, and get a massage
Oh my, I wish I could say that this is what you should do.  I would love to do this!  I, on occasion, have had a pedicure.  I get my hair done (like three times a year).  I've had three professional massages my entire life.  But, I can not imagine having them all done in the same day.  Ain't no every-day-mom got the time, or money, for that.  I would bemoan the money I'm spending on this, as it really should go to (insert child's name) new shoes/winter coat/boots/sports uniform, etc., etc.  One day, I will post this. You know, when our budget is limitless, and my friends are in the same boat.  I don't see that changing any time soon, and I don't want different friends.   

Okay, so here's the one big thing I did this week that made me feel better, and it will make you feel better, too.  I cleaned my refrigerator.  That's it.  Maybe this isn't a problem for you.  And, bless you if it isn't - but I probably don't know you, relate to you, or like you.  Keeping the fridge spotless is usually last on my weekly to-do list.  But, I was looking at the crusted milk on the top shelf, and the crumbs settling in comfortably at the bottom of the fridge, and all the other stuff in the middle, and I just couldn't take one more day of living in this type of squalor.  So, right before I needed to start dinner (I like projects, but I may not be good at the timing of these projects) I started pulling everything off the shelves, tossing things that I didn't even know we still had, and wiped, scrubbed and re-arranged everything neatly back in.  A half hour or more past when I probably should have started dinner I had a neat, clean and fresh smelling fridge.  So, pick a day, or make this a project over several days (one shelf at a time), and clean out your fridge.  Don't forget the shelves in the door.  It's amazing what ranch dressing does to that area, and you don't even realize it.  Replace the opened containers of baking soda that you put in there two years ago, because you read somewhere that you were supposed to do that.  Do it all.  I promise, you'll feel better.  I kind of like opening my fridge now and peaking in.  And, just as all well-intended people do, I promise myself that it will never get that bad again.

Clean fridges make me feel better...I promise you will feel better, too.  Who cares if dinner is a little late that night.  Make them stare into the fridge until they praise you for your efforts before you feed them.  It's character building....

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Blogging Fears

Over the past several months my mind has been flooded with ideas for this blog.  Things I'd like to write about.  Topics I think would be fun to discuss - and so on, and so forth, and what have you (channeling my inner Sue Heck....never mind).  The problem:  inspiration strikes at inconvenient times.  While standing in the check-out at WalMart I write an entire post in my head about standing in the line at WalMart.  When I get home, my brain is fried after putting away 4,000 bags of groceries, and I remember nothing.  So, to help myself with this problem I've been tucking away ideas on the memo pad of my phone for quite some time.

Here goes...another attempt at blogging.  I love blogging, but in the past I let my insecurity get in the way of enjoying something I...well, enjoy.

I'm a big fan of being real, so for a moment I'm going to be real with you about my blogging insecurity:
     a) 10 people thought the post was fun, 1 person didn' mind let's that 1 person win
     b)  I'm married to a Pastor, I should be more Pastor's wifely(I think it's a word), and maybe                       not talk about things
     c)  People won't get my humor, take me too seriously, and judge me
     d)  My topics aren't spiritual enough...refer to "b" where I think I need to be more Pastor's wifely             like...
     e)  I don't have enough inspiration, and therefore should shut it down altogether
     f)  I've blogged about parenting, and my kids aren't perfect.  I've blogged about healthy eating,  
         and gained all the weight back (see also: weight is an insecure area for me), and I've blogged
         about loss/death, but I know my story is different than others.

So, these are a few of the thoughts I've struggled with on this blogging topic....there are a laundry list of other things I struggle with.  Hang in there reader, you're about to be my therapy.  I've got issues that need hung out to dry.  So, from now on, I want to keep it real.  Keep it funny.  Keep it honest, and sometimes, just maybe, keep it painful.

Jump on in and read, or get off the ride and keep moving.  I will work through it.  Let's have fun (singing "Girls just wanna have fun" always helps...or, "Can't Touch This." The choice is yours)!  

Friday, February 13, 2015

A Room for the Family - a.k.a. The Family Room :)

I admit it, I'm not doing well at consistent blogging.  My plan is to post my way through our house renovations.  I want to do that.  Life is just....well, life!  Keeping up with the demands of four children, a husband's schedule which never sees a "normal" week, and everything else, makes it difficult to scratch out extra time.  At least for this moment.

I have been experiencing shoulder pain since the fall.  I was referred to a physical therapist and have been undergoing treatment for an injury to my rotator cuff...due to all the painting we did over the summer/fall months.  So, that has added one more thing to my weekly plate, along with weekend sporting events for two of the children.

This blog is my "hobby," of sorts, and I'll try to navigate better what role it can play during my week.

Without bogging you down with too much detail, I want to show you the before & after shots of our family room.

I didn't take as many before shots, as I now wish I had.  The room was very dark with paneling, a dark stained built-in book case, and old turquoise carpeting.  We saw so much potential though, in this 17x18 space.

The previous owner used the built-in as a desk space.  I saw the potential to make it into an area for our TV, as well as books, video storage, etc.

This room was my project.  Dave was busy working on the kitchen, and tackling more structural projects, so I took on this room.

The paneling had to be prepped before painting.  At Sherwin Williams they recommended a product called Krud Kutter.  It's a liquid that you wipe down the walls.  It cleans the surface and removes the shine to prep it for paint.  This was much easier than sanding the surface of the paneling.  It saved me from cleaning up a dusty mess.  It took me about a day to de-gloss the paneling & 
the built-ins. Once that was done I was able to prime the whole thing.  I must mention that I had help from friends with this stage, and it saved my sanity.  With the built-in and the beams, there was so much detail to cut around.

The finished product - you'll notice that where the TV sits, the wood had a scalloped edge around it that just dated the appearance of the shelves.  Dave cut those scallops off, and rounded it to look like the other shelves.  I am so happy with the results.  The paint color is Sherwin Williams - Lazy Gray.

On the built-in I used an interior oil based white paint.  It was more time-consuming, as each coat takes 24 hours to dry.  But, the result is a more durable finish that will be less likely to scratch.  I still have handles to put on the cabinet doors.  However, as I mentioned before, there are still projects that need some finishing touches.

We (I say "we," but I mean Dave and other guys), ripped out the old carpeting, and had new carpeting installed.  You'll also notice that I left the beams in their original state, and I think the results nicely compliment the lighter colors that this room now holds.

The handles I chose for the drawers - I ordered these in a ten pack from  I had priced other options for buying handles individually, but I could not compete with the price at Overstock.  I'm so happy with the quality of them, and other than some issues with the screws being a tad long, Dave said they were not difficult to install.

So, there you have it.  I hope you enjoyed the step by step.  :)

Thursday, January 29, 2015

So, About That Wallpaper

I decided to start sharing with you the upgrades we made to the house, by showing you the Master Bedroom first....why?  I don't really know.  No particular reason.  Maybe, because for a few moments this morning there wasn't laundry piled on the bed being sorted, folded, and left until each child picks up their pile after school.  I was able to take a few pictures of the room, without much fuss. Maybe, because I need to start somewhere, and it was as good a place as any to start.  

The first few shots are the before pictures.  This is what it looked like when we went through the home.  The potential was great....the wallpaper was not.  

The carpeting in the room was a beige berber.  It wasn't in terrible condition, but in need of a deep cleaning.  The original plan was to have the rug cleaned, strip the wallpaper, paint, and be done.

See the walk-in closet and master bath?  We've never had a walk-in closet (well, that's not true, our first apartment was only 350 square feet, but it did have a walk-in closet which doubled as a pantry, clothes storage, kitchen storage, book storage, etc., etc.), and we've definitely never had our own master bath.

Oh, but the wallpaper was ugly....

Here is where the plans changed for the room...
Dave did a test on the paper to see how easily it might peel off.  When he did, we realized that the paper came off, but so did the wall behind it.  We had a crumbling mess.  Upon further inspection from Dave, and my brother, we realized that we had a carpenter ant infestation in part of our wall.  Hence the hole in the wall, you are now seeing in this picture.  We hired an exterminator to take care of the ants, but we were left with a hole, damage to repair, and dead ants all over the place.

When the kids offer to help, we give them jobs like - vacuum up the dead ants all over the floor.  Alayna did a great job....but I'm not sure she volunteered for any more jobs after that.  :)

This is where I don't have any pictures....we were so busy "being in the moment" of house renovations, that I didn't pause much to take pictures of the process.

A good friend of mine volunteered a day of her time to help me strip the wallpaper.  She had done this several times, and to this point, I had only ever removed wallpaper one other time.

We used a solution of white vinegar and warm water, and a scoring tool, like this one.

We scored sections of the wall, then used large sponges soaked in the water/vinegar solution, and ran it over the area we had scored.  Then, using a putty knife we scraped the area we had soaked down.  The wallpaper didn't always rip in large sections, so it was a lot of scoring, soaking, scraping, repeat... I need to mention that keeping the vinegar water hot/warm was key.  As soon as it turned luke warm to cold, we did not have success.  We just kept changing out our water solution, and it worked great!
When we finally removed the last piece of wallpaper, we used TSP Cleaner (mixed with water, using the directions on the box), and with a clean sponge, wiped the entire wall surface down.  This removed any remaining glue residue.

Because of the damage from the ants, and other factors, 
we chose to rip the old berber carpet out, and replace it.  We're so happy that we did.

Dave repaired the hole in the wall, and I went to work painting the room. We were so thankful to have friends & family volunteer time and help us with some of our projects.  From painting trim & doors, to ripping out carpeting, we couldn't have accomplished what we did in three weeks time, without the help we received from others.

I wanted all the doors and trim painted white, then we did the walls in
Sherwin Williams - Universal Khaki, satin finish.

The wall, now paper free!  Oh, and the hole in the wall is gone, too. :)

A side note about our furniture....we bought most of our bedroom furniture almost 14 years ago at a great store in Albany, NY called Huck Finns Warehouse.  We bought it unfinished, and Dave finished it.  Almost fourteen years later, it's still in great shape, but I'm tired of the stained wood and I have plans to re-purpose, when I do, I'll share that with you.

My little splurge...I wanted a "statement" chair, and found this on
I love it!

I had a model for this picture...she wanted to be on my bed, and I wanted to let her.  :)

The new makes me very happy.

We still have plans to renovate our master bath, and when we do, I'll post the process.

I hope you enjoyed the tour, and the tutorial on what we did in this room.  We're happy with it, and I look forward to sharing more rooms with you.  

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Back At It....With New Inspiration

I realize I have taken quite the hiatus from this blog.  For good reason, and lack of inspiration, I decided to sign off for a while.  We were neck deep into a very busy season in our lives.  We were selling our former home, house hunting, and ultimately purchasing a new home during the spring/summer months.  

We had known for some time that the sale of our home would happen, we just didn't know the exact time frame.  From the time we purchased our last home, we knew there was a possibility that we wouldn't live there long.  A local company was interested in purchasing our entire block from the start, and it all went through in June this past year.  

I loved our former house.  My dad had completely renovated it into a beautiful little three bedroom home, which we were able to purchase from him when he completed it.  But, the looming thought of "will this be the year XYZ company wants to purchase from us," left us in a spot that we didn't want to make any changes to that home.  We wanted to finish a patio in the back, and landscape our back yard, but why bother when we might sell any time.  

We have no regrets in the former home, and we loved the memories we created there, as a family. But, this past spring the ball was rolling to sell, pack, & move.  We spent several weeks with our Realtor going through home after home.  We scoured Zillow for homes that might interest us...went to Open Houses....drove through neighborhoods, and on and on.  It was a fun, and exhausting, process.  We were seriously considering making an offer on another home when our Realtor called and said she had one that just came on the market, it would sell fast, and she thought it was exactly what we were looking for.  We called my dad and asked him to join us at this home.  With his vast knowledge of homes, carpentry, etc., we wanted him involved when we made a final decision.  As soon as we saw the inside we were excited.  We knew the potential was endless, but many updates were needed.  It had great "bones," but needed to be brought into the 21st century.  

So, in sharing all of that, I've decided that I want to use this blog to take you through the "before" and "after's" of our home renovation.  We have a ways to go, so there will be plenty of things to keep me "inspired" for a while.  We spent most of June, and early July, renovating as much as we could before we moved in.  I painted by day and packed boxes by night.  Dave took two weeks off and worked from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day, on the new house, for those two weeks. 

Dave & I love tackling DIY projects....most of the time.  We have many man hours in this home, and we're still enjoying the process.  There are many "almost" done projects, and many "yet to start" projects.  Stick with me, and I'll share what we've done, how we went about it, and what we're going to do next.  

Our "new" home