Thursday, January 2, 2014

God Is Good....

What in the world happened to December?  In an effort to keep life simple during the Holiday's, I felt like things were actually more hectic.

Dave was in the process of a job change, and beginning this month he is now the lead Pastor at Bethel Baptist Church, Erie.  He was asked to candidate for the position, and did so on December 8th.  On the 15th the church voted to call him as their Pastor, and he accepted.  This is our home church, and we are excited to be staying in Erie, and continuing to serve alongside our friends & family.  We look forward with excitement to all the future holds for us, and Bethel.

We had several gathering's to attend for the Holiday's.  We hosted my family for Christmas Eve at our house, then Dave's mom & Grandma drove from New York to see us for a few days.  A school Christmas concert to attend.  Shopping to do.  Baking to do.  And last, but not least, Dave had minor surgery on his arm this past week to open up a nerve that was causing trouble in his left hand.  To say we've been busy may be an understatement.

I've listed all the activities we participated in and the job change for Dave, but the thing that stands out to me the most is the number of funeral's and viewings we attended in December.  From my dad's neighbor who passed in his early 60's from brain cancer, to the funeral my husband just officiated on Monday, to dear friend's of ours who lost their beloved son, brother, husband & father suddenly at the age of 35.  In the midst of family's celebrating the Holiday's, there was much grief.  While many of us were laughing, sharing, shopping, wrapping & panicking over the perfect gift, others were trying to process great tragedy, and feeling that there may not be a reason to laugh again.

I, myself, struggled with the loss of my mom - even though this was our 5th Christmas without her here. Perhaps it was watching others grieve.  Perhaps it was the fact that we have a new baby, and I'd love nothing more than to see her hold my little one.  Perhaps it's just the ache that is always there, and the Holiday's are a reminder of those we miss most.

Either way, I thought of when Dave & I were first married and he accepted a part-time position as a youth Pastor, while he finished his seminary training.  During those years at Trinity Baptist any time Dave would stand up to speak, or give announcements, he would begin by saying "God is good."  The congregation would then respond with, "All the time."  Then Dave would say, "All the time," and the congregation would respond with, "God is good."  Whenever we face trials I am reminded that "God is good.  All the time." Whether I feel Him there, or not.  God is good.  This phrase would go on to impact my family in a great way during my mom's battle with cancer.  Mom reminded all of us that God is good, all the time.  When mom passed I told my dad that this phrase needed to be on her headstone, and it is.

So, I think about all the hustle and bustle we went through in December, and I think about the many families that were affected by loved ones passing, and I know that this truth still remains.  God is good.  All the time! Because of His son, Jesus Christ, we have reason to celebrate.  We can have hope.  He came to earth as a man with the purpose of dying on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins.  If we put our faith in Him we may know eternal life in Heaven some day.

May 2014 be a year to focus more on the goodness of God!


Lynn said...

Love. <3

Amanda said...

Awesome! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Wonderful post. And my congratulations to Dave and you in his new appointment.
