Monday, January 27, 2014

Where Am I Going With This???

I have blogged off and on for several years.  I started my first blog FourMoreMiles in 2007.  Wow!  My very first post on that site "click here", briefly explained why I started my blog.  Well, seven years later, give or take a couple years where my blogging was fewer and farther between, I'm still giving it a go for much of the same reason.  My mom has passed, so blogging for her benefit no longer applies.  But, blogging for my benefit, and keeping family up to date with us, is still a big reason why I do it.  Plus, it's just fun.

Lately, however, I'm feeling a bit lacking in the inspiration area.  I have larger gaps in my posting, and I'm not really sure what to say.  How often can you write about doing laundry, vacuuming, dusting, making supper, packing lunches, and changing diapers?  After a while, the daily grind doesn't seem blog-worthy.  I've been browsing websites that offer blog challenges, but nothing has really hit me yet.  Somehow typing out "100 things you didn't know about me," or "top 10 pet peeves," or "12 people I'd like to have lunch with," doesn't seem like the direction I'm headed with my site (one must then ask - does she really have a direction???).  Since I blog a lot about family and things I feel passionate about, I've decided that when I feel a lull in inspiration, I am going to feature someone in my life who's meant something to me...whether it be family, friends, or someone I met at the store that day, and write about them.  People matter, and someday I hope my kids will read my blogs and be reminded of what mattered to me, and when.  So, I'm still trying to decide who I'll write about first, but stay tuned, I'm gaining inspiration by the minute.  Oh, and feel free to give me suggestions on things I should talk about...or don't....whatever.  I don't want to seem needy.  :)


Unknown said...

"People matter, and someday I hope my kids will read my blogs and be reminded of what mattered to me, and when."

I can think of no better reason than that. Write about what matters to you and like-minded folks will spend some time with you. You may even change some minds.


Kristen said...

Thank you. I appreciate your kind words. It's good to hear from you. :)