While wandering the store Julie asked me why all the Christmas stuff was on display already when we haven't even gotten through Halloween? I told her that a lot of people like to start early with their shopping. To which she replied, "why?" Apparently she hasn't seen the example in me of an early shopper/planner for all things Holiday related. I begin mentally preparing my gift ideas in September, but I admit that nothing really gets accomplished until I get through Thanksgiving.
I LOVE the "idea" of being ready in advance, enjoying the Christmas season without the stress of shopping, and baking at my leisure. But, with all my good intentions, it never ends up this way. I think, I mentally plan, I discuss ideas with Dave, and then I get around to marathon shopping sometime in December. Why am I like this???
Here's a few of my theories:
- My mom was the same way
- For all of my ability to organize, I am really disorganized
- I can only focus on one Holiday at a time
I think the last one is the most accurate, and probably the first and second one, too. I have always been a one-thing-at-a-time person. Like Julie, I question the need for stores to set out Holiday items that are still two or three Holiday's away. It makes me nervous. It adds pressure. I can't compete with Li'l Miss I Shop For Next Year As Soon As This Christmas Is Over. Seriously? Stop it! You make me look horrible. I don't like looking horrible...unless I have the flu, in which case I can't help it, and I don't care.
I will continue to mentally plan my Christmas ideas, and I will look forward to Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, in that order. However, I just discovered that November 3rd is Sandwich Day, November 15th is Clean Your Refrigerator Day, November 17th is World Peace Day, November 22nd is Go For A Ride Day, and November 29th is Square Dance Day. So technically, I have seven more Holidays before I really have to think about Christmas....no sweat.
Next year I'll do better....I promise. :)