Lately I've been feeling that "nudge" to blog again. Several ideas swarm my head, but the one that is occupying my thoughts, as of late, are those of Christmas, being grateful, reflecting on this past year, etc. For obvious reasons since it is December, after all. I'm not talking about the Christmas thoughts of what needs done, and who is left to buy for? Or, how much have I spent already, and if I start baking this early, will everything be eaten before Christmas? Ah, the big decisions. No, rather the deeper thoughts that seem to consume me each year, and challenge me to keep focused on the real reason we celebrate.
My family has been on a "journey" so to speak, for almost a year now. Dave has been the administrator for a small Christian school for four years. However, last winter we felt the nudge to return to full time ministry, where Dave goes back into the Pastorate at a church. So, what church and where? Will we stay in Erie, or move? Will the kids stay in Christian school, go to public, or will we need to consider home schooling? Those are just a few of the questions we asked, but there was one thing we knew for certain, the Lord was asking us to take a step of faith. Trust Him. Seek Him. Follow Him. Sounds so easy, since He knows best, right? Well, uncertainties are never easy. We knew without a doubt that Dave was to tell the school board of his feelings last February (or maybe it was March), and be up front with them regarding his desire to return to full-time Pastoral work. The board was very supportive, but felt that this information needed to be made public by the end of the school year, so that they were free to openly look for Dave's replacement. Okay, make's sense. However, we still didn't know where we were going. "God, we know you have a plan."
Meanwhile, baby number four arrived, school ended for the summer, my babysitting income ended, and we still had no leads. Dave's resume was polished, prepped and sent in several directions. "Okay, Lord, we know you have a plan."
In August we were contacted by a church in New York that received his resume from a friend, and they wanted to meet us. We packed up the six of us, and spent two days in a rural area of NY, meeting people. Dave went through an interview process, and in a sense the kids and I were under observation, as well (although this is never a "formal" interview for the entire family, it is assumed that you will be looked at, also. Be yourself, but always be friendly. Let the kids be kids, but well behaved as much as possible. Laugh, but don't be's okay, it's part of the's not fake, it's just a little intimidating).
We went home after those two days learning many things, having much to talk and pray about, and really thinking that it was unlikely that they'd call Dave back as an "official" candidate for Senior Pastor. However, much to our surprise, two weeks later we received word that they (the deacons of the church) were interested and would like us to come back. This time for a much longer weekend, full of meeting the congregation (in some of their homes, and at the church), two to three preaching opportunities for Dave, and a Sunday School time with the youth group, as well as a Q & A time with the congregation. It was a whirlwind weekend, and we were all exhausted by the time we left to drive home that Sunday afternoon. We felt that if this was the direction God was taking us, we were willing to leave Erie behind and move. We also felt the support from many in the church that they wanted us to come and be a part of what was happening in their church and community. We continued to pray that week that God would make it perfectly clear for us. The church still had to vote and decide, and we prayed that in that vote the answer would be really clear. Dave requested 85% in favor, in order to accept, and when the vote came back at only 71% we knew God had answered our prayer for true clarity. We knew, without a doubt, we weren't to make this move.
Okay, but now what? That was back in early October. The school has since hired a new administrator. Dave is still working at the school until mid-January as a consultant to the new principal. As of this moment there are some possibilities in the works, but we don't have a definite answer yet, and we won't for a couple of weeks. We continue to pray for God's will to be done. Some have questioned the "steps of faith" we have taken, while many others have been over and above supportive.
There are many things I'm learning in this. First of all, no matter what, God is still God, and He always knows best! Secondly, sometimes the very thing that doesn't make sense is exactly the thing that needs to be done in order to lead you to something even better. Also, I often feel like the most unlikely candidate to be used by God. But, as I was reminded this past Sunday at church, God often uses the person you can't imagine Him choosing, for a work you couldn't even see He had planned. All of the pieces are not in place yet, but we know God's plan is perfect. He has not left Dave without a job. He has not left us without food or shelter. He has provided over and over again. He has asked us to take this step of faith, seek Him, pursue a job change for Dave, and He has brought us closer through this.
So, what does this have to do with Christmas? I have only offered some of the high lights of our journey this past year, but if I spend this season looking at what needs done, and what busyness I can be a part of, and not stop to reflect on all that God has brought us through this year, I would be ungrateful. I am indebted to a great God, who is doing great things in our lives. He sent His son, born of a virgin, to save the world through His death on a cross. He is Alive, and it is for Him that we celebrate this season. Will we have gifts? Yes. Will we have cookies? Absolutely! Will it get busy? For sure. But, my prayer for my family is this - that we will focus on all God has done, and when it gets too busy, we will recognize it and stop and turn our eyes on Jesus!
This verse has become the verse I cling to in the uncertain times. The times when I've questioned "what have we done?" "Have we heard you wrong, Lord?" "Did you really mean for Dave to step down from his job, without another lined up?" "You know we have XY & Z bill to pay, right Lord?"
"From the end of the earth I will cry to you, when my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I." Psalm 61:2
Stay tuned...this journey is far from over. I'd love to hear how you keep perspective during the busyness of the holidays.