Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Christmas Letter I Would Enjoy Reading

Every year I spend time filling out Christmas cards, adding pictures of the kids, and including a little update on our family.  I will do the same again this year, as there are friends far away that we don't get to see often enough, and don't have Facebook (I know, weird), so we like to bring them up to speed, as well as hear what is happening with them.  I enjoy receiving Christmas cards, pictures, and letters this time of year.  It is all part of the warm, fuzzy feeling of the season (or perhaps that's the eggnog...).  Today, it crossed my mind, as I was working on a rough draft of our Christmas update, that no one ever writes the letter that seems "real," and would make me feel better about my life.  So, I've decided to give you my rendition of the Christmas letter that I would LOVE to read in someone's card.

Dear Friends & Family,

I realize that it is January 16th, and Christmas is over, but this is the first opportunity I've had to sit down and write this letter.  Christmas was such a blur of chaos, over-spending, high expectations, and a foreclosure on our home.

We are now living in the in-laws basement, but even though they don't say it, I am pretty sure they're glad we're here.  We were hopeful that Power Ball would've come through for us, but we all know that didn't happen.  

Here's an update on the kids:

Ralph Jr. - He's 17 now and full of himself.  He thinks he knows more than us, but his parole officer doesn't agree.  He works part-time at the burger joint, that is if he decides to get out of bed and get there on time.  We are hopeful that his ankle bracelet can come off before graduation, and that this is the last time he'll have to wear one.  We thought he would've learned his lesson the first two times.

Sissy - She's 13 and a real gem.  We have all decided that black really is her color, and the spiked bracelets are helpful for self defense.  Her band practices in the garage, and we're pretty sure the screaming from the neighbors is a good sign that they're improving.  

Bobby - He's 9 now.  His love of fire and reptiles has proven to be a real asset to our family.  We think he has a future with the fire department or perhaps on the Animal Planet.  

Betty-Lou - Our baby is now 3.  We all think she has recovered nicely after the WalMart "incident" of accidentally leaving her in the cereal aisle.  I really think the officer went easy on me, and for that I am grateful.  

Our family may not be perfect, but we're trying, and most days there's a lot of love to go around.  We hope you had a nice Christmas, and that the New Year finds you well, and not in prison.  

The Shimanskis 

Click the link below to view my favorite "Christmas Letter" song of all time.  :)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Clarification Needed....Maybe?

As I lay in bed last night, I felt clarification was needed on something.  So, today I decided to blog about it.  Why not?  

This past week I posted something on Facebook about my frustration with a woman who has having a fit over not receiving two discounts, but only one.  The discount she didn't receive was her senior citizen discount, but she was still able to use her 30% off coupon.  

Okay, here is my clarification - I do not have it in for senior citizens.  I realize that many have worked hard all their lives, and if stores give out a special discount, why not use it.  Here was my frustration - her behavior and treatment of the store manager and the clerk who had to handle the situation.  The coupon (I had one, too), stated that it could not be combined with any other offer.  When the clerk told her she could not combine it with her senior discount she became belligerent.  The clerk then turned to another cashier to verify, and her co-worker confirmed this.  The lady was still fit to be tied, so the store manager had to get involved.  When he also confirmed this she continued to throw a fit.  Now, I do not know her, or her income, or anything about her other than what I was observing.  She looked well-to-do, but I realize that doesn't mean she is.  All I know is that at some point she gave up being civil, and treated a cashier, and store manager, who were only enforcing the policy, very poorly. Also, everyone in line waiting to check out were able to observe this display.  

I have a pet peeve about rude sales associates who act like I'm wasting their time by purchasing my items, but this was not the case here.  The clerk remained calm, and did her best.  I can only imagine that working in retail can be a thankless job, but possibly more so as the Holiday's approach.  

My frustration was not over her being a senior citizen, or whether or not she worked hard all her life, it was over her behavior and treatment of the workers.  We have all been in aggravating situations, where we've wanted to (or perhaps we have) lashed out at a clerk.  But what has happened to being mannerly, behaving like adults, rather than children with temper tantrums?  The Christmas shopping season is stressful.  Some won't agree with me, but I'm not a fan of Black Friday shopping.  I don't handle stress well, so I find it's best not to place myself in the middle of it on the worst shopping day of the year.  Deal, or no deal!  We just got done being thankful for all we have on Thursday, only to rush out at midnight to beat someone else to get the item we want, or our kids want, or our Uncle Brad or Uncle Jim doesn't make sense to me.  But, that's my issue, not yours.  :)

Perhaps we can find a simple way to treat a sales clerk nicely, even if we don't like the stores policy.  Most are working hard, and not getting much time off this time of year, so they can afford their own Christmas shopping for friends and family.  

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Christmas Shopping Dilemma

I took my girls to my favorite store yesterday, The Christmas Tree Shop.  I intended to just browse and see if I could find some kind of shoe organizer/shelf thing for our back entry.  I was unsuccessful in finding the shoe organizer, but I did manage to buy curtains for my bedroom, a decorative item for my living room, new hangers for Julie's closet, and a few other small things.  All total I only spent about thirty dollars.  I love that store!  Don't you just love a bargain???  Ha!  Get it?  Never mind....

While wandering the store Julie asked me why all the Christmas stuff was on display already when we haven't even gotten through Halloween?  I told her that a lot of people like to start early with their shopping.  To which she replied, "why?"  Apparently she hasn't seen the example in me of an early shopper/planner for all things Holiday related.  I begin mentally preparing my gift ideas in September, but I admit that nothing really gets accomplished until I get through Thanksgiving.

I LOVE the "idea" of being ready in advance, enjoying the Christmas season without the stress of shopping, and baking at my leisure.  But, with all my good intentions, it never ends up this way.  I think, I mentally plan, I discuss ideas with Dave, and then I get around to marathon shopping sometime in December.  Why am I like this???

Here's a few of my theories:

  1. My mom was the same way
  2. For all of my ability to organize, I am really disorganized
  3. I can only focus on one Holiday at a time
I think the last one is the most accurate, and probably the first and second one, too.  I have always been a one-thing-at-a-time person.  Like Julie, I question the need for stores to set out Holiday items that are still two or three Holiday's away.  It makes me nervous.  It adds pressure.  I can't compete with Li'l Miss I Shop For Next Year As Soon As This Christmas Is Over.  Seriously?  Stop it!  You make me look horrible.  I don't like looking horrible...unless I have the flu, in which case I can't help it, and I don't care.  

I will continue to mentally plan my Christmas ideas, and I will look forward to Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, in that order.  However, I just discovered that November 3rd is Sandwich Day, November 15th is Clean Your Refrigerator Day, November 17th is World Peace Day, November 22nd is Go For A Ride Day, and November 29th is Square Dance Day.  So technically, I have seven more Holidays before I really have to think about sweat.

Next year I'll do better....I promise.  :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Love Them!

I just had to post this recent picture of my three blessings.  They are a gift.  They make me smile.  They make me scream.  I love them so much!  Thank you God for entrusting them to Dave & my care!  

That's all...I have nothing else to say.  Just wanted to share.  Have a great day!  

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Potato Soup

This is my first time sharing a recipe on my new blog.  Since it is fall, and since I love soup, I figured this was a good place to start...that, and the fact that I made this for supper tonight, and the inspiration was right in front of me.  Literally!  

This recipe for Potato Soup came from my Grandma (my mom's mom), and it is a favorite in our household. It's pure comfort, and deliciousness!  I wasn't thinking about blogging the recipe while preparing the soup, so forgive the fact that I don't have any pictures of the actual prep process.

So, without further adieu, here's the recipe.  

Potato Soup

3 Cups Chopped (peeled) Potatoes (I like Russet or Idaho for this recipe)
1 C. Water
1/2 C. Celery Slices
1/2 C. Carrot Slices
1/4 C. Chopped Onion
1 t. Parsley Flakes
1 Chicken Bouillon Cube
1/2 t. Salt
Dash of Pepper
1 1/2 C. Milk
2 T. Flour
Few Chunks or Slices of Cheese  (I like shredded cheddar, but Velveeta would be great, too)

Cook Vegetabls & Seasonings until done (About 12 to 15 minutes).  Gradually add milk to flour.  Add milk mixture to vegetables.  Cook until thickened.  Add cheese.  Stir until melted.  

This recipe yields about 5 servings.  I often double it, since we love the leftovers!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Words of My Mouth

I receive daily devotional e-mails from Proverbs 31 Ministries, which I enjoy reading.  Today's devotional spoke to me in a different way than what the writer probably intended....actually it was the verse she used that struck me the most this day.  The Devotional Gossip used the verse "May the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

That hit me like a ton of bricks today.  Why?  Because we had a rough start to our day today, and when we have a rough start I really struggle with my frustration toward my kids.  My words are not always pleasing, and I was feeling very bad about it as I dropped them off at school this morning.  I had 5 kids to get out the door (I babysit my niece and nephew, and some mornings I have them by 7:30).  Breakfast went fairly smooth, but then it was little things like spilled milk, boys banging on the piano, a tattler, a child upset and yelling at said boys banging on the piano, all the while I was trying to get a quick shower, dressed and dry my hair.  Then getting them all out the door with shoes on, back packs, coats, and into carseats, seatbelts, etc. while a couple kids, were screaming at other kids, who were causing problems in the van.  I demanded total silence for the ride to school!  Meanwhile, I was feeling poorly about my response to the child who yelled this morning at the naughty piano players...just because they yelled, didn't require me to yell back.  I was frustrated, my husband leaves early on Tuesday mornings, and while this normally doesn't cause so much disarray, today it did, and today I didn't handle it as well as I could have.

I need to work on my words...The subject of Gossip is a good one, and it is also a topic that speaks to me, but today, the verse in Psalm 19 spoke the loudest to me.  It was the reminder I needed, and it's a verse I plan to work on with my kiddos, too.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Article Makes Me Mad - Story at 11

In the October issue of Redbook Magazine there is a Q&A section titled, "Girlfriend Therapy."  The "Answer Lady" is Soleil Moon Frye, better known as Punky Brewster from the sitcom during the mid to late 80's.  I have read this column on a few occasions and have never thought too much about it.  But today, I read the Q&A, titled "But He Said He Wanted Children", and felt nothing but disgust.

A woman, married to her husband for two years, questions whether she should leave him since she's ready to have children, and now he's making excuses, and not sure he wants any.  She says this is a deal-breaker for her.  The first part of Soleil's advice wasn't too bad, but the last sentence made me so frustrated and sad. She writes, "Give him a chance before giving up, and if he still can't help you build the family you want, then you may have to make the hard decision to move on."  Are you kidding me????

Is marriage of so little meaning that a disagreement on having kids is enough to end that marriage?  I realize the desire for children is unlike any desire a person can experience, but you can not fix a marriage by having children, and neither should you end a marriage over disagreeing on whether to have them.  At the very least, advise them to seek professional counselling.  Perhaps she's putting too much pressure on him, or he's just stressed over finances and these things need worked through.  But the advice that if he can't help YOU build the family YOU want, then move on...  Here's the thing, when you get married you take vows - richer, poorer, sickness, health, good times and bad, and it's no longer just about YOU.  If we "move on" in life every time we don't get what we want at that moment, life get's pretty lonely.  Marriage is give and take, and there will be many occasions when you need to set your wants aside for the sake of your spouse.

I've got news for you, kids can put more strain on a marriage than most anything.  From lack of sleep causing you to go after each other and fight, to the financial strain, to differences in parenting styles.  If the decision to have kids can break up a marriage, you are not in any way ready to have those kids.  It gets a whole lot harder once those precious little bundles arrive.

You may argue, "what do you expect from a superficial magazine?"  You would be right in many ways, but I felt like it was an open door for a discussion on the topic.  We need to stop advising married couples to try a few things, then if it doesn't work, move on.  From a Christian perspective, if we are giving God the highest place in our marriage, then you can work through these things with His guidance.  Psalm 31:10 & 11 "A wife of noble character, who can find?  She is worth far more than rubies.  Her husband has full confidence in her, and lacks nothing of value."  If your spouse has full confidence in you, don't you think he then cares about your wants and desires?

Feel free to read the article and let me know what you thought, as well.   Perhaps you didn't see it the same way I did.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cookie Decorating - Yes Please!

If you know me, and I'm sure you do, you know I LOVE to bake!  For me, it's comfort.  For others, it's comfort and weight gain.  I love to bake for my family.  I love to bake and give it away.  It's just me!  From the first time I could make chocolate chip cookies on my own, my mom allowed me to bake whenever I wanted.  So I did.  There's the obvious problem, weight gain, too much sugar, white flour, unnecessary calories, blah, blah, blah...  But, the joy of watching someone taste something delicious, and oooh and ahhh while eating it, and know that I made it, it's a great feeling.

My sister-in-law has jokingly said that I solve problems for others with cookies...."oh, you're sad, here's some cookies."  I might think that I solve my own problems with cookies....but, we won't dwell on that too long.  One particular relative of mine tells me I should stop baking - why would I?  Would you tell a scrap-booker to stop scrapbooking?  A seamstress to stop sewing?  A hunter to stop hunting?  No!  This is my hobby, and I can use it to make others happy.

Well...getting to the point.  Yes, I have a point.  I enjoy dabbling with cookie decorating on occasion.  Today I came across this cookbook that was just released, and I've decided I would really like to have it.  I may need to add it to my Christmas Wish List, or perhaps I'll win it from the site I entered to win it on.  Here's hoping...

Here's a couple samples of my more recent cookie decorating creations...They're simple.
I'd love to learn more tips and tricks.  

Monday, October 1, 2012

Psalm 145 Challenge

This week we were challenged in our small group Bible study to read this Psalm every day for the week, and see how it influences our week.  I am challenging you to do the same.  At the end of the week ask yourself these questions:

  1. Did you find yourself praising God more this week?
  2. Was your outlook on life affected?
  3. Did you proclaim His mighty works to others more than other weeks?
  4. Did you notice anything else?
Today as I read through, verses 8 & 9 stood out to me the most - words like gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, rich in love.  So thankful to serve a God who is described in these ways.  

Psalm 145[a]

A psalm of praise. Of David.

I will exalt you, my God the King;
    I will praise your name for ever and ever.
Every day I will praise you
    and extol your name for ever and ever.
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
    his greatness no one can fathom.
One generation commends your works to another;
    they tell of your mighty acts.
They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—
    and I will meditate on your wonderful works.[b]
They tell of the power of your awesome works—
    and I will proclaim your great deeds.
They celebrate your abundant goodness
    and joyfully sing of your righteousness.
The Lord is gracious and compassionate,
    slow to anger and rich in love.
The Lord is good to all;
    he has compassion on all he has made.
10 All your works praise you, Lord;
    your faithful people extol you.
11 They tell of the glory of your kingdom
    and speak of your might,
12 so that all people may know of your mighty acts
    and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.
13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
    and your dominion endures through all generations.
The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises
    and faithful in all he does.[c]
14 The Lord upholds all who fall
    and lifts up all who are bowed down.
15 The eyes of all look to you,
    and you give them their food at the proper time.
16 You open your hand
    and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
17 The Lord is righteous in all his ways
    and faithful in all he does.
18 The Lord is near to all who call on him,
    to all who call on him in truth.
19 He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;
    he hears their cry and saves them.
20 The Lord watches over all who love him,
    but all the wicked he will destroy.
21 My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord.
    Let every creature praise his holy name
    for ever and ever.

Friday, September 28, 2012

To Etiquette or Not To Etiquette

Webster defines the word etiquette as: the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life.  Examples of etiquette include, but are not limited to, "Her failure to respond to the invitation was a serious breach of etiquette."  

You may be wondering where I'm going with this, and as a matter of fact, I am wondering the same thing.  Just kidding.  Now where was I, oh yes, etiquette.  I do not claim to be the authority on proper behavior in public, but I bet each of us can spot someone behaving improperly a mile away.  

Whatever happened to asking politely, "please pass the (insert item here)," instead of reaching across the table to grab what we want.  Or, how about when an invitation has an R.S.V.P. (comes from a French word I can't pronounce, meaning to please respond), with a date, why don't we respond on or before that date.  It is rude to show up to an event that had an R.S.V.P. date, and we did not respond, but we showed up anyway.  Maybe it's more embarrassing for you, to realize the wedding reception does not have a place card for you because no one knew you were coming.  

How do we teach our kids in a day and age where manners and etiquette seem like a lost art form, how to be polite, and show they have "good breeding?"  First of all, it is by example.  Children do not take what you say and automatically apply it to their life, they need to see it in action.  Look for opportunities at your own dinner table (perhaps another topic would be, The Importance of Having Dinner At A Table With Your Family...stay tuned) to teach your kids how to behave.  Teach them that a napkin has a purpose, your sleeve does not.  Teach them to chew with their mouths closed.  Teach them to keep their elbows off the table.  Remember, "Johnny, Johnny, strong and able, get your elbows off the table."   Teach them how to have conversation at the dinner table.  It may seem silly to force table conversation, but being intentional in training our kids is key.  One of my biggest pet peeve's is having to interact with someone who is only able to carry on a conversation about them self, other than that, they have nothing to talk about.  Teach your kids how to ask questions, and inquire about someone else's interests.  Also, teach them to write thank-you cards.  This does not have to be a lost art.  If they receive a birthday card with money in the mail, acknowledge the gift with a thank you note.  If they are not old enough to write, then write for them, and let them draw a picture to put with the note.  It's simple, but gratitude is a quality that will be useful their entire lives.

When my oldest was little, I was constantly reminding her to say please when she asked for something.  I realized one day that I was doing this so often, that I corrected the cat when he meowed to come in.  I opened the door and told him to say "please."  When I realized what I had done I nervously laughed, and put myself to bed for the next 24 hours.  Sometimes teaching manners has side effects.  Lesson learned - Cats do not say please!  

I do not say these things as an expert, but as a parent who is trying to raise well-mannered kids.  But I realize I still have a lot of example-setting left to do.  

Thursday, September 27, 2012

When In Doubt...Don't

I recently read an article entitled "To Share or Not to Share," in an older issue of "Thriving Family," a Focus on the Family magazine.  I am an avid "Facebooker" (made up word, describing one who enjoys using facebook), but I am often bothered by posts where parents complain about their children, or air their family's dirty laundry.  I don't typically comment on these posts, but this is my blog, and I can comment here on what I think.

This article was short, and to the point, and it offered a few questions to ask yourself before you post about your children.  The article stated that "In our social media-saturated world, our posts can negatively affect our children - inflating their egos, embarrassing them or eroding their trust in us.  Before you post, ask:  How will this affect the way my child sees herself?  Does it build trust?  Home should be a haven for everyone.  Blogging about my daughter's moodiness may be cathartic, but it violates her trust in me.  What if it were me?  What's adorable to us can be embarrassing to our children.  As your child gets older, he may be mortified you posted that picture of him during bath time."  (Article written by Esther Feng)

This particular article put into words exactly what I had been thinking.  I like to post funny anecdotes about my family, but hopefully I do not humiliate them, and I keep what needs to be private, private.  Keep in mind, that when you were growing up your mother was not blogging, tweeting, or facebooking the details of your life.  While I love this age of keeping in touch with so many, it can also be a temptation to divulge too many of life's details.  Do I love that your kid plays soccer? Yes!  Do I need to know that you are mad at them for leaving their dirty underwear on the bathroom floor?  NO!  

So, when in doubt about what to say on your facebook status, don't!