Saturday, February 15, 2014

Faith. Family. Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day is kind of a big deal around here.  It's no longer a day for Dave and me to hire a sitter and plan a quiet romantic dinner alone.  Nope, it's a day of fun for the whole family, and we don't want it any other way.

Three years ago we decided to ditch the dinner date idea and make it a fun family night.  Dave has always been great about making Valentine's day special.  For our first married Valentine's day he prepared dinner, and made chocolate covered strawberries, and had it all set up as a surprise when I arrived home from work.  From that point on, he's always been great about making Valentine's day memorable (insert story of the overnight at a favorite B&B, where we were both so sick we spent the whole time sleeping and drinking NyQuil...we probably should have cancelled our plans, but we were young and determined to go).

Several years of marriage, and four kids later, we've decided it's a lot more fun to make this day a family day. Three years ago Dave started the tradition of a theme, and take-out spaghetti & meatballs from Valerio's.  Our first year's theme was Italy, and the kids were only allowed to call Dave "Luigi."  Last year was the same take-out meal, with a Hawaiian theme (music, leis, and grass skirts included).  The tradition that has lasted through the years is the one where Dave makes his homemade chocolate covered strawberries.  Now the kids make them with him.  They love it!

So, I've included some pictures from last night's Valentine's Day dinner....can you guess this year's theme?  

Welcome to our Duck Dynasty Valentine's Day....yes, that is a teddy bear with antlers.  Doesn't everyone have that for a centerpiece on their table?

Dave assigned a DD character to each kid, complete with costumes and beards made by Dave.  
They're holding up a picture of their character.

"Hey, Jack!" 

Willie (Dave), holding his daughter, Sadie (for the record, our Sadie was not named after Sadie Robertson), Willie's crazy Uncle Si, Brother Jase, & Phil
(Notice the family picture on the wall...)

"Miss Kay," with the gang.

So, there you have it.  A redneck Duck Dynasty Valentine's Day.  We listened to blue grass music while we ate (or I should say, for as long as Miss Kay could stand listening to it), but "Sharp Dressed Man" (song below) was playing when the kids came down for dinner.  After all, it is the opening song for the show.  :)

I hope you all had a great Valentine's husband shows his love to me all year long, and someday those quiet dinners will be easier to come by, and we'll miss the noise and fun of these kiddos.  I love that Dave pulls out his creative side and makes these memories for our kids.  

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